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Security Code Review

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    Christie Pamphile

Secure Code Review Lab: Establishing Secure Code Review Process


The objective of this lab is to establish a secure code review process within Ubuntu VM to identify and remedy security flaws, including injection attacks and authentication vulnerabilities


  • Basic understanding of programming languages (e.g., Java, Python, PHP).
  • Familiarity with Linux command-line interface.
  • Installation of code review tools such as SonarQube or Checkmarx on Ubuntu VM


  • Ubuntu VM
  • SonarQube or Checkmarx (or any other code review tool of choice)
  • Sample vulnerable code or applications for review (e.g., intentionally vulnerable web applications)

Lab Setup

  • Set up Ubuntu VM on your preferred virtualization platform
  • Install necessary software packages:
    • SonarQube: Download from the official website and follow installation instructions
    • Checkmarx: Download from the official website and follow installation instructions
  • Prepare sample vulnerable code or applications for review

Lab Procedure

Part 1: Setup Code Environment

  1. Launch Ubuntu VM:
    • Open a terminal window on the Ubuntu VM
  2. Install Code Review Tool:
    • Follow the installation instructions provided by the code review tool (SonarQube or Checkmarx)
    • Ensure the tool is properly configured and accessible through a web browser
  3. Configure Code Review Tool:
    • Set up projects or repositories to be scanned for security vulnerabilities
    • Configure scan settings according to the type of code being reviewed (e.g., language-specific settings, scanning depth)

Part 2: Conduct Code Review

  1. Select Code for Review:
    • Choose a sample vulnerable code or application for review
    • Ensure the code or application contains common security flaws such as injection attacks and authentication vulnerabilities
  2. Initiate Code Scan:
    • Upload the selected code or application to the code review tool
    • Trigger a code scan to analyze for security vulnerabilities
  3. Review Scan Results:
    • Analyze the scan results generated by the code review tool
    • Identify security flaws including injection attacks (e.g., SQL injection, command injection) and authentication vulnerabilities (e.g., weak password storage, lack of session management)
  4. Prioritize Findings:
    • Prioritize identified vulnerabilities based on severity and potential impact on the application's security

Part 3: Remediate Security Flaws

  1. Understand Vulnerabilities:
    • Review detailed descriptions and recommendations provided by the code review tool for each identified vulnerability
    • Understand the root causes and potential impact of each security flaw
  2. Apply Fixes:
    • Implement fixes to remediate identified security flaws
    • Utilize best practices and secure coding guidelines to address vulnerabilities (e.g., parameterized queries to prevent SQL injection, strong password hashing for authentication)
  3. Re-scan Code:
    • Upload the modified code or application to the code review tool
    • Trigger another code scan to verify that the implemented fixes have successfully remediated the vulnerabilities


In this lab, I established a secure code review process within Ubuntu VM to identify and remediate security flaws, including injection attacks and authentication vulnerabilities. By leveraging code review tools and following secure coding practices, I ensure the development of secure software applications. This lab demonstrates proficiency in identifying and mitigating security risks through code review processes